Where can I download Mesh?

You can download Mesh through the App Store (iOS), or the Play Store (Android).

How much does Mesh cost?

Mesh is completely free for all members to download and use.

How did Mesh start?

Our CEO, Jess Wise, started out as an indie film producer. One of her projects was a parkour documentary, where she worked closely with a few creators and heard about their experience of the creator economy. Inspired to create a pro-creator platform, Mesh was born.

How long has Mesh been around? When did you launch?

Mesh was founded in 2019. We released our public beta in March of 2023.

Who is Mesh’s parent company?

Mesh doesn’t have any parent companies.

Is Mesh VC backed?

Nope! We’re privately funded, and like it that way.

What countries is Mesh available in?

You can download Mesh from any country in the world, but our platform is currently only available in English. More languages are coming soon!

Is there a desktop/ web version of Mesh?

Yes! You can check out our first web release at mymesh.io . We’re rolling it out in stages, starting with this view-only version. More coming soon!

How big is the Mesh team?

Currently, our team consists of about 15 wonderful people!

Does Mesh have dark mode?