Where can I download Mesh?

You can download Mesh through the App Store (iOS), or the Play Store (Android).

The Mesh app is available to download in all countries. Currently Mesh is only offered in English. More languages coming soon!

How do I make a Mesh account?

  1. After downloading the Mesh app, find it on your device and tap to open.
  2. Tap Sign up.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to create your username, password, and profile.

What is a node?

Nodes are the basic building blocks of Mesh. A node is a community of people with shared interests, identities, experiences, and/or geography. Every node has its own settings, code of conduct, admin team, and feed.

What is the Mesh fediverse?

The Mesh fediverse is a series of apps that are interconnected by the same protocol. When you create an account on one of Mesh’s instances (apps), you create an account for the entire Mesh fediverse and can use the same login on any of the other Mesh instances.

Inbox - your inbox is the same across all instances. This means someone can message you on one app and you can respond on a different app.

Followers - your followers carry across instances. If someone follows you on one instance, and you both download another instance, they will be following you on that instance, too. We don’t display followers who are not on the same instance, so your follower count will vary instance to instance.

Posts - Unless otherwise disclosed, the content you post publicly on an app is only visible on that app. In the future, you will have the option to post to multiple instances.

Profile - Your profile avatar and bio are the same across all instances.

How do I get around?

At the bottom of your screen is your navigation bar. Here you will find Home, Nodes, Explore, Notifications, and Inbox.

Your Home Feed will include content from anyone you follow, and any nodes you’re a part of.

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