What is Mesh Market? Who’s here?

Mesh Market is an invite-only network designed to encourage peer-to-peer collaboration among creative professionals and brands.

We prioritize transparency, rigorous vetting and verification, and building a platform designed with YOUR unique needs in mind.

Our community includes photographers, creators, writers, stylists, educators, journalists, and more. Our brand types include Communities, Businesses, Venues, and Events.

What kinds of collaborations can I find on Mesh Market?

Collaborations on Mesh Market are only limited by your imagination! Any two profiles on Market can message and work with each other.

Choose between paid collaborations, unpaid collaborations, gifted collaborations, barter (exchange goods & services), or jobs as your preference on your profile. Here are a few examples to get the brainstorming started!

How do I find collaborators?

The first step is to claim and edit your profile. We recommend adding as much information as possible, including your collaboration preferences, portfolio, pricing, and links. The more complete your profile, the higher you will appear in search, and the more inquiries that will land in your inbox.

You can also browse and filter the People, Community, Business, Venue, and Event networks. Go to their profile, and click ‘Message’ to start the conversation!

How is Mesh Market different?

Mesh Market seamlessly blends the business-to-business (B2B) model with the customer-driven networking model (B2C), bridging the gap for collaboration between professionals and brands.

We have an unwavering commitment to value the expertise of creatives, rather than merely focusing on their audiences and metrics. Our members are meticulously vetted and verified so you know the only messages in your inbox are authentic, one-to-one connections.

How do I get started?

Get started by clicking ‘Apply’ and filling out the application form. If you’ve already been invited by someone in the network, check your email to claim your account. The more information you can provide about you and your work, the better!